Nikita’s Love Interest: Did the Best man really win?

Article by Jubilee

We all have the relationship goals and guilty pleasures in shows that we watch–but then there are times when we really wonder if the show writers did the best they could with the protagonist’s romance. Some of us for example cough* wanted Wolverine in the 2001 X-Men with Rogue instead of Jean. Others thought Joe Harvelle from Supernatural should have been a leading lady since she’s one of the few strong women on the show. Nikita Meers is one of the most famous TV heroines and the show hit a number of things like action, plot, drama, character development out of the park. But the weakest part of the show to my sister and I was the main love interest. Let’s look at why Michael isn't her equal, and why there were so many other strong characters who could have filled the role. 

A Strong Woman needs an Equal: A competent, strong woman is going to need a love interest who is her equal–if she has strong convictions, integrity, and a fierce spirit why would the writer pair her with a man of weak convictions and no agency? Nikita makes decisions based on her convictions, beliefs, and she moves the plot along with those choices. She sticks up for what she believes and won't move when she feels something is wrong or unjust. Does Michael do any of this? Let’s look at his track record:

  • When the show begins Michael is going after Nikita while working for the evil Operation Division, he shows minor restraint in hurting her but not enough to actually help her in her mission.

  • We’re shown in flashback that Michael trained her and was having an affair with her (all the while claiming it didn't mean anything and making no commitments). 

  • Michael was comfortable prostituting Nikita while she worked for Division. He shows no guilt, and never attempted to protect her from it even though he was in a relationship with her at the time. 

  • Michael is hunting her the entire first season until Nikita offers to help him get revenge on the people who killed his family, even though he’s done nothing for her at this point in the show. 

  • After she helps him he decides to renew his relationship with her. She sets no rules, standards, or labels expecting nothing from him except that he be with her. 

  • Michael has a child with another woman (from a past mission where he was undercover) and it is Nikita who tells him he has an obligation to them. He has no agency and no convictions about taking care of them himself. 

  • It is Nikita who ultimately saves his family and protects them because Michael cannot make the decision himself. 

If you're seeing the recurring theme here: Nikita does everything for Michael, who needs to do nothing but exist in order to earn her love. She doesn't blame him for hunting her, she doesn't ask that he make any commitments or that he make amends for all the harm he’s done. He’s a weak man morally, physically (I’m sorry but he’s a damsel in distress that would put Lois Lane to shame), and has no agency apart from making selfish decisions from time to time.

Owen Elliot is a better man for Nikita: Going down the list of potential love interests she could have had, this is the first one that comes to mind. Owen actually gets to be part of a love triangle for Nikita’s affections and to compete with Michael occasionally. He points out Michael’s selfish actions and is always there for Nikita throughout the show. Looking at him as a character and what he does for her the list is far more comprehensible:

  • Owen was a cleaner, later a guardian (killer) for Division much like Nikita. He was manipulated by Division to believe he was helping his country.

  • Owen and Nikita meet and she helps him as an act of grace because she believes he can change (the same way she did), after she helps him he feels an obligation to her. 

  • Owen protects Nikita and helps her on missions when she needs him but he still has agency. No one has to tell him to help her or to go against Division after he changes because he’s capable of holding to convictions he’s made. 

  • When Michael is off playing house with his ex-girlfriend and child, Owen shows up to help Nikita in his absence, asking nothing in return. Even though he has feelings for her he’s willing to hang around and assist her while her boyfriend is nowhere to be found. 

  • Owen presses Michael in season 3 to fulfill his obligations to Nikita and stop being selfish over the loss of his hand. He actually thinks of her and urges him to take care of her (which does not seem to be important to Michael).

Owen reassures Nikita when she’s doubting herself, that she is a hero and one of the most forgiving people he’s known, he makes her feel worthwhile. Michael makes her feel like an option who has to wait till he makes up his mind about one thing or another: his ex, his child ect. Owen and Nikita never do anything physical but he still takes risks and makes sacrifices for her, and he’s an independent character capable of deciding for himself what he wants. He actually fights for Nikita, Michael just has her handed to him.

Ryan Fletcher is a better man for Nikita: We initially meet Ryan Fletcher when he’s getting onto Divisions trail because he’s a well-intentioned analyst with integrity who’s smart. Nikita has to protect him but he gets in trouble to begin with because of his integrity and his skill set of catching onto conspiracy theories. What makes Ryan better for her than Michael?

  • Ryan only knows Nikita for a number of weeks and he goes to prison in order to protect her identity. She doesn't ask him to do this, he makes the decision on his own because of how he feels for her. 

  • Ryan attempts (in however shy a fashion ) to pursue Nikita but she doesn't reciprocate. He doesn't have her handed to him, he actually has the agency to take a risk and try to earn her affections. 

  • Ryan takes over Division in order to reform it even though it’s a difficult job and no one is seemingly in his corner. He isn't with Nikita but he’s still determined to do the right thing.

  • Ryan is actually Nikita’s friend. She can talk to him and confide in him, whereas with Michael she’s always protecting and shielding him. 

Ryan is an independent character whose convictions drive his decisions, and he makes several selfless decisions in order to protect her and receives nothing in return other than her friendship. In fact, he suffers in prison because of helping her and he never brings it up or makes her feel guilty about it. 

Michael is ruined with Plot Armor: I’m all for having a strong lady save her man in certain situations, but when the lady heroine is undergoing all of the hardship, conflict and the guy is simply there to receive her love…then we have a problem. Sometimes things are not the character’s fault, but when the writer puts their heroine in all the horrible situations, and protects her man from any of them–it makes him appear spoiled and coddled. The Nikita show is famous for many things, but among them are that it's a show with consequences. Characters make decisions and the consequences matter:

  • Alex is undercover in Nikita season 1 and is tortured by Amanda for inofrmation. 

  • Birkhoff get’s tortured by Amanda in season 2 in order to protect Nikita.

  • Alex is nearly assaulted while undercover in Division. 

  • Nikita is tortured by someone she seduced while working for Division. 

  • Michael breaks Nikita’s arm when she’s on the run and he’s hunting her. 

Let’s look at the consequences of Michael’s actions:

  • Michael hunts Nikita the entire first season, breaks her arm, and in turn receives her love.

  • Michael watches and give approval while Alex is tortured but revieves no consternation. 

  • Michael is held captive by Division when they learn he’s helping Nikita and instead of being tortured his hands are cuffed (Birkhoff got his knuckles broken with a hammer but whatever).

  • Michael lives with his ex-girlfriend and child for a few weeks, and Nikita arranges their protection for him and accepts him back without hesitation.

  • Michael seeks a new hand from an evil scientist putting everyone at risk in season 3, and Nikita once again pays the price for his mistake.

  • Nikita is tortured for hours by the man she seduced while in Division, the same man captures Michael and slaps him once–Nikita breaks free of her bonds and saves him before any real harm can be done.

Let’s be clear, I’m not asking for Michael to be beat up or tortured…well, yes I am. This is a show where the consequences are real, and we respect characters for making the right choice because we know they may very well have to pay the price. Michael’s character has plot armor that keeps him from dealing with any real consequences. 

The Take away for your own stories and Mine: Almost everything from the acting, action and plot in this show gets an A, but having the protagonist with a weak man is an issue that can be a real pain.I’ve often hoped in my own stories that I would never make the mistake of having the most interesting characters not be the main love interest. People will have their favorites and you can’t help that, but when creating a love interest for a strong lady consider these things:

  • Does the character have agency and make decisions on his own? Or is the plot or the heroine moving things for him?

  • What are his convictions and is he true to them?

  • What does he really do for the heroine that makes us believe he’s at least attempting to be deserving of her affection? (No one likes a character who has everything handed to him on a silver platter).

  • Is he competent? It’s okay to have his love interest save him occasionally but you have to make me believe he’s capable of performing the same service. He has to be useful in some way to the plot or his love interest.

There are many other questions but these are the fundamental ones to think about so that we don’t end up writing a guy that the men watching will curse for being an inferior love interest. Some people may have liked Michael…but let’s be honest his actor must have known the Producers.